Saturday, January 17, 2015

Working Miracles

Today I am entering into week six of Gabrielle Bernstein's May Cause Miracles, its a bittersweet feeling as it has caused so many shifts in my life, but at the same time I don't want it to be over (really though, I think that it is just beginning) :-) !!!

Week six is all about being a miracle worker. Believing that only love is real. The five weeks leading up to this have been a journey of guidance back to this powerful belief system. Only love is real. 

Here are some highlights in Gabby's words in preparation for entering into week six.

"Being a miracle worker isn't just about letting go of negative beliefs and becoming happy: there is much, much more. Being a miracle worker is a practice of personal growth that leads to worldly transformation.

The spiritual connection that you have ignited is the greatest power that you have to offer. Miracle workers are people who choose to turn their pain into their purpose of spreading love and transformation.  Each time a person chooses love over fear, that person becomes a bridge for the others who choose to follow in that path.

Do not judge your past; rather, honor the path you've taken and accept that it's been your learning device to get to where you are (shout out to KD, a big loving shout out to you!)."

I had an amazing moment of synchronicity, or as Oprah would call it, an "Ah Ha Moment", in reading Gabby's words. I personally, am working on healing my mind so that I can have a greater effect on the world. Having a greater effect on the world is a very big part of what I aim to achieve in my time on this beautiful earth. 

How do you want to spread love and transformation in the world?

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