Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Looking for a pot of gold

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Today is a day that finds many of us thinking about luck and prosperity.

I really enjoyed this daily reminder from Louise Hay about seeking abundance.

"You can never create prosperity by talking or thinking about your lack, dwelling on lack only creates more lack.
Be sure to make a daily gratitude list.
If you would only change your thinking to allow the abundance of the Universe to flow through your experience, you could have all the things you think the lottery or a pot of gold will bring you."

The last month has been a bit busy for me as I traveled to India and have been trying to get back on a regular schedule for the last couple of weeks.

Here are a few things that I am grateful for today.
To be back on my blog, I have missed posting content on here more than you can imagine, its therapeutic to be back;
Today is the two year anniversary of me moving into the first place I purchased. The love for my home and neighbourhood has grown immensely over these past two years;
My family. Traveling to India to see my roots and experience this magical land with my grandparents and family is a memory that will forever be etched into my soul, alongside the beautiful people of the country.

If you're looking for your pot of gold, I suggest starting with a list of things that you are grateful for.

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